* Please note that a review is currently underway on both Medical Fitness Certificate and Training Providers, to access the most up to date list please consult the following Marine Notices
Marine Notice 15 of 2019
Marine Notice 34 of 2020
Maritime Education and Training centres providing courses in Ireland must be approved by the Department of Transport to deliver courses leading to Certificates of Competency and ancillary training for Certificates of Proficiency. You can find details of these and other training course providers on this website.
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Seafaring is a strictly regulated profession. Certificates of Competency are issued by the Department of Transport for service as officer on merchant ships in the following capacities.
Master | Chief Mate | Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch | Chief Engineer | Second Engineer | Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch | Electro-Technical Officer
The Department of Transport recognises Certificates of Competency, issued by other countries, for service as officer on Irish merchant ships in the following capacities.
Fishing is a strictly regulated profession. Certificates of Competency are issued by the Department of Transport for service as officer on fishing vessels in the following capacities.
Skipper Full | Skipper Limited | Second Hand Full | Second Hand Special | Second Hand Limited | Class 1 Engineer | Class 2 Engineer | Class 3 Engineer
Certificates of Competency are issued by the Department of Transport for service on merchant ships trading on domestic voyages only, in the following capacities.
Master of Passenger Boat | Master Domestic Passenger Ships of less than 100 Passengers | Master Domestic Cargo Ships of less than 200 Gross Tonnage | Master Domestic Cargo Ships of less than 300 Gross Tonnage | Master Domestic Cargo Ships of less than 500 Gross Tonnage | Master Ships engaged on Government Service, less than 24m length, within 30 miles of the Irish Coastline | Marine Engine Operator Licence
Operation of a two way radio on a ship, fishing vessel or pleasure craft may only be carried out by a person who is qualified to do so or under the supervision of a qualified person. Certificates of Competency for radio operators are issued by the Department of Transport in the following capacities.
GMDSS General Operators Certificate (GOC) | GMDSS Restricted Operators Certificate (ROC) | Long Range Operators Certificate (LRC) | Short Range Operators Certificate (SRC)
Certificates of proficiency are issued by or under the authority of the Department of Transport for service as a rating on merchant ships in the following capacities.
Able Seafarer Deck | Able Seafarer Engine | Electro-technical Rating | Rating forming part of the Navigational Watch | Rating forming part of the Engineering Watch | Cook
Personnel serving on tankers require special training. Certificates of proficiency are issued by the Department of Transport for service on tankers in the following capacities.
Oil Tanker | Chemical Tanker | Liquefied Gas Tanker
The Master and all Navigational Officers of Irish Flagged vessels, which have ECDIS as their primary means of navigation, are required to have completed both generic and ship specific equipment ECDIS training. Training incorporating ECDIS is carried out at operational and management level in Navigational Aids and Equipment Simulator Training.
The Department of Transport recommends that all operators of pleasure and recreational craft undertake some form of appropriate training before they take a boat out on the water. Training is available for boat handling, navigation, radiocommunications, first aid and personal survival techniques
You will need a Seafarer Identification Number before any certificate is issued to you.
If you already hold a Certificate of Competency or a Radio Certificate a Seafarer Identification Number will have been assigned to you and you can access it through this website.
You can also apply for a Seafarer Identification Number if you do not have one already.
If you are a Certificate Provider you can log in through this website to issue certificates.
If you are a Certificate Provider and have not yet been issued with log in details please contact the Mercantile Marine Office.
If you are a Maritime Administration or other body with a legitimate interest you may apply to the Mercantile Marine Office for access to the Register of Seafarers where you can check the validity of a Certificate of Competency.
If you have been issued with login details already you can login through this website to verify Certificates of Competency.
Maritime Education and Training centres providing courses in Ireland must be approved by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport to deliver courses leading to Certificates of Competency and ancillary training for Certificates of Proficiency. You can find details of training course providers on this website.
Short videos are available showing you:
The Mercantile Marine Office (MMO) is currently open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 12:00. Anybody wishing to call into the office to submit an application, can do so by contacting mmo@transport.gov.ie to make an appointment
Marine Notice No. 01 of 2025
Marine Notice No. 02 of 2025
Marine Notice No. 03 of 2025
Marine Notice No. 04 of 2025
Marine Notice No. 05 of 2025
Marine Notice No. 06 of 2025
Marine Notice No. 32 of 2019
Marine Notice No. 07 of 2025
Marine Notice No. 08 of 2025
Marine Notice No. 10 of 2024
Marine Notice No. 09 of 2025
Marine Notice No. 10 of 2025
Marine Notice No. 11 of 2025
Marine Notices sorted by year
Seafarers Discharge Books are used to record the dates of engagement and discharge on board ships and a seafarer may use the discharge book as evidence of sea service. They may also be used by a seafarer to show that they are free to sign on for service on a ship and are not otherwise engaged on another vessel.
A seafarer’s identity card may be used as proof of identity.
Oral examinations for Certificates of Competency and Marine Engine Operator Licences are held by appointment with an Examiner at the Marine Survey Office. If you meet the qualifying conditions for a Certificate of Competency you can make an appointment for examination by contacting the Mercantile Marine Office.
The Mercantile Marine Office, Dublin handles all application and queries related to seafarer certification and examinations.
As a result of Brexit, UK based Seafarers are required to complete a Customs Declaration when sending any documentation to the Department of Transport. Please consult with the relevant courier or postal service provider to avoid any delays.
If you have lost your Certificate of Competency or it has been stolen a replacement certificate may be issued to you. You will need to explain the circumstances of the loss and if it has been stolen then you must make a report to the Gardai. If your certificate has been lost through shipwreck or fire there is no fee for the replacement certificate.
The Directions as to the Examination of Engineer Officers, Electro-technical Officers, Marine Engine Operators and Engine Room Ratings under the Merchant Shipping Acts provide more specific detail about the entry requirements for various grades of certificates and should be read by all applicants for a certificate.
The Directions as to the Examination of Deck Officers under the Merchant Shipping Acts provide more specific detail about the entry requirements for various grades of certificates and should be read by all applicants for a certificate.
The dates for oral and written examinations conducted on behalf of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport are decided in advance.
Information on the venues, rules of examination and dates for examinations for certificates of competency are available on this site.
Seafarers that work on commercial vessels are required to have a Medical Fitness Certificate. Medical fitness certificates are issued with a maximum validity of two years and are issued only by approved doctors following a medical and eyesight examination.
We strongly recommend that anyone considering a career at sea obtains a Medical Fitness Certificate before starting any training courses. Any defects in health and/or colour vision may severely restrict your ability to work at sea.
Refer to MARINE NOTICE No. 34 of 2020 Seafarer Medical Examinations Scheme - Medical and Eyesight Standards & List of Approved Doctors for details.
Instructions to Masters regarding engagement of Crew and Maintaining an Official Log as provided by the Merchant Shipping Acts
The importance of keeping both crew agreements and official log-books properly and making all necessary entries at the proper time and in the proper form is strongly impressed on Ships Masters. By neglecting to do so they render themselves liable to heavy penalties. To secure compliance with the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Acts the following instructions, while not exhaustive, should be strictly observed.
A career at sea can be a very rewarding choice. The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport does not offer careers advice however there are a number of government sponsored sites that provide details on careers at sea and the training courses available.
If you are an employer of seafarers or a vessel owner you can find out more information about manning, Certificates of Equivalent Competency and issuing watch rating certificates.
A new revised version (Revision 3) of the Code of Practice for Small Fishing Vessels of less than 15m length overall is available here . This revised version of the Code was published on 1 March 2022 and came into operation on 1 May 2022. The new version replaces the previous Code of Practice for Small Fishing Vessels of less than 15m length overall, which was published in January 2014.
A list of the current Panel of Surveyors for Fishing Vessels less than 15m overall can be found in the link here .
An Irish-language version of the Code of Practice is also available from the Department.
The Department of Transport wishes to provide notification that a new online ship radio licence and EPIRB registration system will be implemented from 17th October 2022. This system will replace the existing paper form and email application processes and will be available at Irish Maritime Radio Licence System (IMRAD).
Marine Notice No. 70 of 2022